What now?

Written by Julia Park


Part history, part insight and part opinion, this is perhaps the most detailed and contextual analysis of housing space standards that exists, and certainly the most current. Written by Julia Park, architect and Head of Housing Research at Levitt Bernstein, the account begins with a summary of the evolution, or perhaps more accurately, the comings and goings, of the various space standards that have been applied to new housing in England.


Reflecting on what history tells us, the book examines the role of space standards in the context of the current housing crisis and explores how themes such as under-occupancy, overcrowding, density, mix, land value, viability and politics are all part of the story. The final section offers informed thoughts about the way forward. It concludes that the benefits of regulation are likely to significantly outweigh any disadvantages and could be a catalyst for far-reaching, positive changes in the way we live - potentially resulting in more housing, not less.


Julia Park is an experienced architect who has specialised in housing for almost 30 years. An expert in housing policy and standards, she is currently Head of Housing Research at Levitt Bernstein, a multi-disciplinary practice based in London and Manchester. Continually pushing for higher quality housing, Julia contributes widely to debate and publications, tests new ideas and shares theories. She writes a regular housing column for Building Design, contributes articles to other journals, and co-authored the 2009 HAPPI Report and the National Housing Federation’s Housing Standards Handbook, 2016. Julia carries out training, works with national organisations and policy makers, including the GLA and HCA, and is the acting chair of the RIBA Housing Group and a member of the Housing Forum. She was seconded to the Department of Communities and Local Government to assist with its review of housing standards in 2013-14.


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